1.1 OSM-S refers to Objective Security Management Solutions GmbH, registered in Vienna, Austria:
Company Number: FN 477601f
VAT Number: ATU72579159
Commercial Court: Vienna, Austria.
Registered Office: Wipplingerstrasse 33 / Top. 3.OG | 1010 Vienna | Austria
“Software” refers to OSM-S’s COMPLIFY software accessible through: https://complify.cloud
OSM-S Data Protection is defined and available under: https://complify.online/privacy-policy
1.2. “Customer” refers to the entity using the Software.
1.5. “Customer Content” is any content uploaded by the Customer.
1.6. “Confidential Information” means as defined in Condition 10.
1.7. “Errors” pertain to the Software’s failure to function according to the documentation.
1.8. “Fee” is the payment for Software access and use.
1.9. “IP Rights” cover various intellectual property aspects such as: Patents, trademarks, registered designs (application for registration of the same, or the right to apply for registration of the same), copyrights or related rights, database rights, design rights, rights in trade, business or domain names, rights in inventions, rights in confidential information or know-how or any similar of equivalent rights in any part of the world.
1.10. “Term” is either the 12-month duration or the 1-month duration (depending on which access package the Customer chooses) from the Start Date.
1.11. “Support” entails the assistance detailed in Condition 6.
1.12. “Working Day” is a non-holiday weekday in Austria.
1.13. “Working Hours” are Monday to Friday, 9-4pm CET.
1.14. “Including” introduces illustrative phrases, not limiting language.
1.15. Singular includes plural; plural includes singular.
1.16. Headings don’t impact interpretation.
1.17. References to Clauses are references to this document’s clauses.
1.18. A right isn’t exclusive unless stated; its exercise doesn’t affect other rights.